What is the Breadbox?

Well, I'll tell you... without it sounding like a cheesy children's story. It's simply the name that my husband and I have given our home. What's INSIDE the Breadbox? Pretty much all of the funky things that make it truly "us". Both of us are [mostly] vegan-eating, Jesus-loving, green-cleaning, smart-spending, fitness aficionados. That's the "stuff" I'll be blogging about. That stuff. Hopefully useful, interesting, thought-provoking, perhaps controversial... and I might throw in something completely random here and there. I do that in the kitchen sometimes, so it will probably carry over.  Hopefully I will remember to post, and hopefully it will be interesting enough that people will read it.

Who am I?

I am cheap. Time is money, and sometimes I'd rather have more time than money. Actually, most of the time I'd like to have both... ha! But unfortunately that's not the way it works.

My name is Caitlin and while I'm a marketing manager for a legal support agency by day, dreams come alive and the real me flourishes after 5pm and on weekends... and often between 5 and 8 a.m.! I lived in Germany a few years ago and while I was there I blogged all the time-- basically just for me to be able to look back on. At the encouragement of my good friend Hannah, I've decided to take up blogging again... but this time, with more purpose.

I want to know why!

You see, I'm interested in a lot more things now than I was when I was in college... if I saw Future Me about three years ago-- seriously vegetarian, fit, and a happy newlywed, married to an American--I'd stare in disbelief (dramatic, I know). I have developed quite a collection of vegan cookbooks that I experiment with regularly and have created quite a lot of fabulous meals... never used to do that!! It'd be leftover grilled chicken topped with salsa and cheese... NO MORE! And I've always been shop-savvy... people know they can come to me to find the best deals on just about anything... I have amazing online shopping prowess.
Here we are on our wedding day! March 12, 2011

My husband Ben and I love to try new things--we love to be tourists in our own city, try new foods, work out regularly, and go on weekend adventures. It keeps me sane. We also have a cat.

Introducing Dipper! Or as we like to call her... Schmippity.

So what now?

So I decided to put all of these "things" I'm interested into words... I make a tasty vegan cake-- tell the world the recipe! Love a new [cook]book? I'll feature it and write a review. Ben and I almost pass out after a really tough workout but live to tell about it? So we tell about it. We get a really good deal on a common household item? Others out there would like to know, right?
